MX0023A Probe Amplifier

The InfiniiMax RC probing system (MX0023A probe) is the next generation of InfiniiMax probing with the "RC" input impedance architecture and an extended RC probe bandwidth (up to 25 GHz).

The InfiniiMax RC probe addresses modern high-speed probing requirements by offering up to 25 GHz bandwidth and RC input impedance profile for extremely low midband loading . It provides a wide variety of flexible connectivity solutions, covering today’s emerging signaling standards such as DDR5/LPDDR5 and other high-speed signal debug and validation test needs.

This probe amplifier is compatible with the Infiniium AutoProbe ll Interface which completely configures the Infiniium series of oscilloscopes for this probe amplifier.

This probe amplifier has built-in probe specific s-parameter correction filter to ensure a flat frequency response. This unique s-parameter of the probe amplifier is used with the s-parameters of various supported probe heads to further flatten the magnitude and phase response of the probe for high accuracy measurements.

InfiniiMax RC Family Diagram

As illustrated in the following picture, the InfiniiMax RC probe amplifier supports the new higher bandwidth InfiniiMax RC probe heads as well as the existing InfiniiMax I and II probe heads listed in this picture.

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