SPICE models can be used to predict probe loading effects. The models shown here are to be used only for modeling input impedance of Keysight probe heads. Probe amplifiers are not included in these models as their characteristics do not affect input impedance.
If damped wire accessories or longer mid-BW resistors (for solder-in probe heads) are used, they can be modeled by adding an RLC model in front of the appropriate probe head model and zeroing out the damping resistor in the probe head model. The schematics have parameterized R, L, and C values that are given in the SPICE deck for the probe head. Additionally, an input impedance plot is given that shows the matching of the measured data to the modeled data. Matching is generally very good up to the specified BW of the probe head with the 7GHz probe amp.
Input Impedance SPICE Models for InfiniiMax 4 Series RCRC Probe Heads
The spice model for the following probe heads are located in the MX0030A/31A/32A InfiniiMax 4 Series RCRC Probe Amplifiers & Probe Heads User’s Guide.
MX0041A/MX0042A Differential Solder-In |
Input Impedance SPICE Models for InfiniiMax RC Probe Heads
The spice models for the following probe heads are located in the MX0023A InfiniiMax RC Probe Amplifier and Probe Heads User’s Guide.
MX0106A Differential Solder-in |
N2839A Differential Browser |
MX0105A Differential SMA |
Input Impedance SPICE Models for InfiniiMax III Probe Heads
The spice models for the following probe heads are located in the InfiniiMax III Series Probes User's Guide.
N5439A |
![]() N2836A |
![]() MX0109A |
![]() N5441A |
N5444A |
![]() N5445A |
Input Impedance SPICE Models for InfiniiMax II Probe Heads
The spice models for the following probe heads are located in the 1168/9B-Series Differential and Single-Ended Probes User's Guide.
MX0100A |
N5381B |
N2839A Differential Browser |
N5382A |
N5425A |
N5425A ZIF Probe |
Input Impedance SPICE Models for InfiniiMax I Probe Heads
The spice models for the following probe heads are located in the 1130B-Series Differential and Single-Ended Probes User's Guide.
E2675B |
E2676B Single- |
E2677A |
E2678B |
E2679B |
Input Impedance SPICE Models for W2637A, W2638A, and W2639A Probes
The spice models for the following probes are located in the W2637A, W2638A, and W2639A User's Guide.
W2637A |
W2638A |
W2639A |